

40 Products

Antenna & RF Feed-Thru Insulators

Hipotronics HV Feed-Thru, beehive insulators, Johnson ceramic feed-thru insulator, James Millen, Sh…

80 Products

Insulators: Pillars & Standoffs

Stand-Off Pillars and Insulators, Ceramic, Navy, heavy duty standoff insulator

8 Products

Insulators: Non-Ceramic

Non-Ceramic Stand0-Off Insulators for holding high voltage and RF connections off the deck.

11 Products

Electrical Insulating Sheets

Kapton (polyimide), anti-static carbon loaded foam, mica sheets, fiberglass sheets,plastic, Lexan, …

21 Products

Antenna Wire & Insulators

Antenna wire of all types and end insulators of all sizes. Vintage ceramic insulators by Johnson an…