Differential Piston Trimmer Capacitors

Very rare Differential Piston Trimmers have two sections. One section increases while the other decreases at that same time, with respect to the grounded bushing.

See grid view.

See table view.

3 Products


Motorized Differential Capacitor

Part #: CAV MD800

Description: Motorized split stator capacitor. 25 - 800 pF. Wo…

$249.00 / Each

1 − 8 pF per section Two Section Differential Pistons Capacitor

Part #: CTP DS443

Description: 1 − 8 pF per section JFD differential. Q = 500 mi…

$14.00 / Each

0.4 − 0.6 µH 1 − 4.8 pF Two Section Differential Pistons Capacitor

Part #: CTP VCJ609A

Description: 0.4 − 0.6 µH 1 − 4.8 pF JFD glass piston with all…

$8.00 / Each