Waveguide transitions convert a waveguide flange to coaxial rf connector.
40 Products
Part #: MWC P213D2
Description: Maury coaxial waveguide. WR-62 to "N" female. 50 …
Brand: Maury
$119.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 09017-602310-02
Description: Waveline coaxial waveguide. WR-62 to "N" female. …
Brand: Waveline
$119.00 / Each
Part #: MWC TR-WR62-SF
Description: Waveguide adapter. WR-62 to "SMA". 0.31" x 0.62" …
$49.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 62AC96
Description: MDL waveguide adapter. 12.4 - 18 GHz. WR-62 flang…
Brand: MDL
$119.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 260061-5
Description: P and H Labs "TNC" female to WR-90 transition.
Brand: P and H Labs
Part #: MWC 90AC106-2F
Description: MDL coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-90 to "N" femal…
Brand: MDL
$109.00 / Each
Part #: RF 2WX-8712X
Description: Crane Electronics RF waveguide isolator. WR-90, "…
Brand: Crane Electronics
$195.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 10045173
Description: Waveline coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-90 to "N" …
Brand: Waveline
$95.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 101X
Description: Struthers coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-90 to "N"…
Brand: Struthers
$79.00 / Each
Part #: MWC XXG1005-4
Description: Pamtech WR-90 waveguide transition to "TNC" male.…
Brand: Pamtech
$125.00 / Each
Part #: MWC X230B1
Description: Maury waveguide adapter. WR-90 to 3.5mm male ("SM…
Brand: Maury
Part #: MWC TR-WR90-NF
Description: Coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-90 to "N" female. 1…
$89.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 16120-506-1
Description: MDL WR-62 coaxial adapter. "SMA" male, side launc…
Brand: MDL
$89.00 / Each
Part #: RF 2901-NF
Description: Waveline WR-229 transition. 3.3 - 4.9 GHz, 1.25 V…
Brand: Waveline
$125.00 / Each
Part #: MWC X8056A
Description: Maury choked waveguide transition. WR-90 to "N" f…
Brand: Maury
Part #: MWC X200B2
Description: Maury waveguide transition. WR-90 to "SMA" male. …
Brand: Maury
Part #: MWC TR-WR102-SF
Description: Waveguide transition. 7.0 - 11 GHz. WR-102 to "SM…
$129.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 501WLM
Description: Waveline waveguide transition. 7.05 - 10 GHz. WR-…
Brand: Waveline
$129.00 / Each
Part #: MWC MA50043
Description: Waveguide transition. 7.05 - 10 GHz. WR-112 to "N…
$145.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 90AC86-1E
Description: MDL right angle coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-90,…
Brand: MDL
Part #: MWC P175SSC
Description: Coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-75 to "N" female. V…
$117.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 112AC46-40P-1C
Description: MDL coaxial waveguide adapter. WR-112 to "N" fema…
Brand: MDL
$127.00 / Each
Part #: MWC W40-NC
Description: Microwave Research Corp. waveguide adapter. WR-11…
Brand: Microwave Research Corp
$135.00 / Each
Part #: MWC H281A
Description: Hewlett Packard waveguide adapter. WR-112 to "N" …
Brand: Hewlett Packard
$135.00 / Each
Part #: MWC LD62CA
Description: Lieder WR-62 (P-band) to "SMA" female transition.…
Brand: Lieder
$79.00 / Each
Part #: MWC X281A/B
Description: Hewlett Packard coaxial waveguide. WR-90 to "N" f…
Brand: Hewlett Packard
$95.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 601B
Description: Narda coaxial waveguide. WR-90 to "N" female. 50 …
Brand: Narda
$107.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 75AC126-2E
Description: MDL coaxial waveguide. WR-75 to "SMA" female. 10.…
Brand: MDL
$107.00 / Each
Part #: MWC MT75/S
Description: Mitec coaxial waveguide. Choked WR-75 to "SMA" fe…
Brand: Mitec
Part #: MWC 75-463
Description: Arra coaxial waveguide. APC-7 to WR-75. 10 - 15 G…
Brand: Arra
$125.00 / Each
Part #: MWC P281B
Description: Hewlett Packard coaxial waveguide adapter. APC-7 …
Brand: Hewlett Packard
$95.00 / Each
Part #: MWC L75CG-45-SF-CK-14
Description: Lieder crossguide coupler. 45 dB, 14 GHz. 2 choke…
Brand: Lieder
$125.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 11262-1
Description: Com Dev Ltd. 3 section waveguide transition. 5.92…
Brand: Com Dev Ltd
$350.00 / Each
Part #: MWC TR-WR90-SMAF
Description: Waveguide transition. WR-90 / UG40 to "SMA" femal…
Part #: MWC UG-551A/U
Description: Reeves waveguide adapter. WR-284 to "N" female. 5…
Brand: Reeves
$475.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 684-A17
Description: Rectangular WR112 flange is silver (irregular). 1…
$35.00 / Each
Part #: MWC MA65594
Description: Microwave Associates. WR-187 (3.95 - 5.85 GHz) ro…
Brand: Microwave Associates
Part #: CRF UG-183/U
Description: This WR-90 style transition is made to thumb-scre…
$75.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 887-17
Description: WR-112 waveguide transition adapts to APC.
$195.00 / Each
Part #: MWC 2101
Description: Meridian WR-90 termination transition to "N" conn…
Brand: Meridian
$85.00 / Each