LCD Displays

LCD panels available now at Surplus Sales of Nebraska. Wide selection of OEM and new surplus parts and electronics in stock and ready to ship today!

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8 Products


LCD Display

Part #: LMP LCM-551-21E

Description: LCD display. 120 x 32 pixels. 2" x 5-1/8" bezel. …

$85.00 / Each

LCD Display

Part #: LMP LCM-583-11A

Description: LCD display. 240 x 64 pixels. 2-1/2" x 6-3/8" bez…

$95.00 / Each

LCD Display

Part #: LMP HY212-94V0

Description: LCD display with 5 micro-circuits on back side. 2…

$45.00 / Each

LCD Display

Part #: LMP MC1602J-SYL

Description: Palm Technology LCD display. 16 characters x 2 li…

Brand: Palm Technology

$12.00 / Each

LCD Display Module

Part #: LMP DMC20261

Description: LCD display module. 20 characters x 2 lines. Gree…

$39.00 / Each

LCD Display

Part #: LMP EW13B30FEW

Description: LCD display. FSTN gray background. Trans-reflecti…

$75.00 / Each

LCD Display Module

Part #: LMP DMC20261-APN

Description: LCD display module. 20 characters x 2 lines. Blue…

$42.00 / Each

LCD Connector

Part #: MIS 372-0520-0120

Description: Stax Connectors brand LCD connector. Carbon / sil…

Brand: Stax Connectors

$5.00 / Each