Aircraft Parts Index

Aircraft Parts like 400 Hz transformers, gauges, relays, lights, meters, knobs, 400 Hz fans, aircraft antennas, motors, switches and power supplies all in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebraska.

1508 Products


1 Product

Aircraft Communications Test Equipment

Aircraft Digital Voltmeter in stock at Surplus Sales

19 Products

Aircraft, Horn, Microwave Antennas

Aircraft Horn Antennas, Military Navy Parabolic Motorized Dish, Bendix Loop

53 Products

Aircraft Lamps

Aircraft lights, lamps and bulbs in stock and ready to ship from Surplus Sales of Nebraska. Wide se…

32 Products

Avionic Instruments

OEM and vintage Aircraft and aviation instruments, Bendix, Grimes and more available at Surplus Sal…

5 Products

Aircraft Knobs

Aircraft Knobs typically are surplus from Rockwell Collins.

18 Products

Aircraft Parts

Miscellaneous Aircraft Parts in stock at Surplus Sales

16 Products

Aircraft Pressure Switches

Aircraft Pressure Switches in both air and liquid in stock at Surplus Sales.

4 Products

Compasses, Galvonometers & Dials

Antique compass, binnacle and gunsight dials, azimuth loops and ifra-red navy ship beacons in excel…

16 Products

400 Hz Aircraft and Maritime Fans & Blowers

400Hz aircraft and maritime fans & blowers. Tubeaxial, vane axial, centrifugal squirrel types f…

8 Products

Lanyards & Aircraft Control Cables

Aircraft Control Cables and Lanyards.

680 Products

Meters Index

AC Volts, DC Volts, Antique, AC Amps, DC Amps, Frequency Meters, Hour Meters, Shunts, RF Ammeters,…

30 Products

Military Microphones & Handsets

Military Microphones and Headsets dating to WWII. Aircraft mics, Carbon Chest microphones, PRC Hand…

5 Products

400 Hz Motors

400 Hz Motors used in aerospace and maritime applications where weight is a critical element of the…

174 Products

Synchros Motors

Synchro motors are a type of synchronous motor made to tie directly to another syncrho motor so tha…

27 Products

45-5000 Hz AC Power Sources

Frequency converting power supplies for research or bench testing 400hz equipment. Available at Su…

40 Products

Pushbutton Bank Switches

Bank switches have two or more pushbuttons assembled side by side and often interact with one anoth…

36 Products

Push Button Breakers

Push Button Circuit Breakers that panel mount and reset with a single button. Many brands like Erno…

102 Products

Pushbutton Switches - Illuminated

Pushbutton switches that can be illuminated under the button. Many military, aircraft and industria…

85 Products

Hermetically Sealed Aircraft Relays - 24v to 28v Coils

Hermetically sealed aircraft relays with coil voltages of 24vdc to 28vdc. Potter & Brumfield, A…

52 Products

Hermetically Sealed Aircraft Relays - 6v to 440v Coils

Hermetically sealed aircraft relays with coil voltages of 6v to 440v, less 24-28vdc relays. Struthe…

27 Products

Toggle Breakers

Toggle Type Circuit Breakers are sold here

91 Products

400 Hz Transformers

400 Hz Transformers used in aerospace and maritime applications where weight is a critical element …