Tube Sockets for miniature, octal and power tubes. Shields for miniature tubes, nuvistor sockets, chimneys, plate caps all in stock at Surplus Sales.
3704 Products
23 Products
Vacuum tube chimneys and tube Plate caps in stock and available from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.
128 Products
Medium size Tube Sockets in ceramic, bakelite, and phenolic resins. Varieties in shapes like octal …
66 Products
Miniature Tube Sockets, like 7 pin and 9 pin, and in various sizes and pin configurations made from…
78 Products
Power tube sockets for large transmitting tubes. Hard to find power tube sockets from manufacturers…
20 Products
Transistor and Nuvistor sockets in various sizes, pin configurations, and mounting options. At Surp…
34 Products
Tube Shields and Collars for 7 to 9 pin tubes. In-Stock and ready to ship from Surplus Sales of Neb…
26 Products
Vacuum tube shields, collars, and heatsinks. Available from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.
3368 Products
Vacuum Tubes, CRTs, Geiger Muller Tubes, Tube Shields in stock. Over 3 million tubes available for …
1074 Products
Tube test sockets, jumper plugs, and picture tube briteners. Surplus Sales of Nebraska has the vac…