Tubes & Accessories Index

Vacuum Tubes, CRTs, Geiger Muller Tubes, Tube Shields in stock. Over 3 million tubes available for use in transmitters, receivers, TVs and test equipment.

See grid view.

See table view.

3368 Products


46 Products

Vacuum Tubes Specials

Vacuum Tube Specials including 6146B, 1L6, 12BY7A, 6CL6, 4CX350FJ, 6AZ8 and many more in stock at S…

158 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with 0 & 1

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes Starting with "0" & "1"

100 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with 2

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes Starting with "2"

139 Products

Tubes: Transmitting Tube, & Receiving Starting with 3

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes Starting with "3"

128 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with 4

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes starting with "4"

102 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with 5

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes starting with "5"

806 Products

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 1: 6A3 to 6BA8A

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 1: 6A3 to 6BA8A in stock and ready to ship from Surplus S…

806 Products

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 2: 6BC4 to 6CW5

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 2: 6BC4 to 6CW5 in stock and ready to ship from Surplus S…

806 Products

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 3: 6CX8 to 6GU5

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 3: 6CX8 to 6GU5 in stock and ready to ship from Surplus S…

806 Products

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 4: 6GU7 to 6LE8

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 4: 6GU7 to 6LE8 in stock and ready to ship from Surplus S…

806 Products

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 5: 6LF6 to 6-4

Tubes: Starting with "6" - Page 5: 6LF6 to 6-4 in stock and ready to ship from Surplus Sa…

0 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with "7" to "99"

Vacuum Tubes starting with 7 up to those starting with 99. Surplus Sales has over 3 million tubes i…

181 Products

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 1: 7A4 to 10Z10

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 1: 7A4 to 10Z10 in stock and ready to s…

237 Products

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 2: 11AF9 to 12Z3

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 2: 11AF9 to 12Z3 in stock and ready to …

170 Products

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 3: 13A to 19X8

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 3: 13A to 19X8 in stock and ready to sh…

153 Products

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 4: 20-4 to 39/44

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 4: 20-4 to 39/44 in stock and ready to …

67 Products

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 5: 40 to 98R

Tubes: Starting with "7" to "99" - Page 5: 40 to 98R in stock and ready to ship…

0 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving "100" & Up

Vacuum Tubes, both transmitting and receiving, starting with number 100 and ending with 10,000. Sur…

135 Products

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 1: 100/70 to 790

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 1: 100/70 to 790 in stock and ready to ship from…

66 Products

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 2: 802 to 991

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 2: 802 to 991 in stock and ready to ship from Su…

169 Products

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 3: 1003 to 5998

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 3: 1003 to 5998 in stock and ready to ship from …

138 Products

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 4: 6004 to 6962

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 4: 6004 to 6962 in stock and ready to ship from …

129 Products

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 5: 7016 and up

Tubes: Starting with "100" and up - Page 5: 7016 and up in stock and ready to ship from S…

181 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with A to M

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes starting with "M"

163 Products

Tubes: Transmitting & Receiving Starting with N to Z

Transmitting and Receiving Vacuum Tubes starting with "N" to "Z"

15 Products

Pick-up Tubes: Plumbicons, Vidicons

Plumbicons, Vidicons and pick-up tubes in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebraska.

26 Products

Tube Shields, Collars & Heatsinks

Vacuum tube shields, collars, and heatsinks. Available from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.

34 Products

Tube Shields: 7 - 9 Pin

Tube Shields and Collars for 7 to 9 pin tubes. In-Stock and ready to ship from Surplus Sales of Neb…

48 Products

CRT Tubes

Cathode Ray Tubes, picture tubes for vintage color and B&W TV sets as well as vintage test equi…

3 Products

Geiger-Müller Tubes

Geiger-Müller Tubes and Photo Multiplier tubes with NaI Crystal Assembly for detection of radi…


EL34 Tube

Part #: TUR EL34

Description: JJ Electronics tube. Manufactured in Slovak Repub…

Brand: JJ Electronics

$11.00 / Each