Diodes and Rectifiers in stock at surplus Sales, spanning 50 years of electronics. Very rare and hard-to-find diodes separated by category.
1277 Products
30 Products
Bridge Diodes and Double diodes have four or two diodes configured in a commercial package for conv…
10 Products
Crystal Microwave Mixer / Detector Diodes in stock.
268 Products
Diodes and Rectifiers from 0270100406 to 1N4128 in stock
209 Products
Diodes and Rectifiers listed from 1N4148 to 1N5619
227 Products
Diodes and Rectifiers listed from 1N5631JAN to 8582-2855
248 Products
Diodes and Rectifiers from 87439 to MA47808 in stock
272 Products
Diodes and Rectifiers listed from MA47886 to ZS176 and everything in between
5 Products
1N60 Germanium Signal Diodes in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebraska
6 Products
High Current Diode Specials are found here
24 Products
Specials on various High Voltage Rectifiers and Diodes in stock at Surplus Sales.
10 Products
PIN Diodes and Hot Carrier Diodes and other specialty diodes in stock at Surplus Sales