Semiconductors including Integrated Circuits, Diodes and Transistors with vintage stock dating back to the first days of solid state right up to present. All in stock at Surplus Sales.
1718 Products
3 Products
Featured Semiconductors that perform in the audio band are featured in this section
16 Products
Special deals on SCRs and IGBTs selected for motor control
1 Product
Logic Modules in stock at Surplus Sales.
4 Products
RF, Radio Frequency, Transistors in stock at Surplus Sales
24 Products
Stud diode and transistor mounting kits including mica washers and hardware all in stock at Surplus…
85 Products
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors of all types. Surge Blox, GE,Roederstein, Lambda and Joslyn in …
5 Products
Special featured deals on transistors in stock at Surplus Sales.
365 Products
Transistors, SCRs , Thyristors and Triacs ranging from 006921 to 2N3501
347 Products
Transistors, Triacs, SCRs and other 3 leg semiconductors from 2N3504 to 2N657.
328 Products
Transistors, SCRs and Triacs from 2N657A to D44H8.
285 Products
Transistor, SCRs and Triacs starting with D44VM10 and ending with PHW14N50E
265 Products
Transistors, SCRs and Triacs starting with PMBS3904 to ZA1168
7 Products
Transistors, Thyristors, Triacs and SCRs from early vintage parts to the latest and greatest, all i…