A dummy load is a device used to simulate an actual load like an antenna, loudspeaker, or electrical load. Surplus Sales has a good selection of dummy loads in stock and ready to ship today. Sometimes you may see a dummy load referred to as a dummyload.
236 Products
3 Products
Resistive Antenna Simulators are used in place of an antenna when troubleshooting a transmitter.
25 Products
Broadcast Terminations and Dummy Loads, all with Coaxial input
70 Products
Coaxial Terminations in small package with SMA, N, GR, DIN, C, F, MB and TNC Connectors, in stock a…
83 Products
"N" Type Connector Terminations in small to medium packages
33 Products
Stripline Terminations, RF, resistive loads
22 Products
Waveguide Terminations and Loads in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebraska