RF Equipment Index

This enormous category is the backbone of Surplus Sales. For 40 years we have specialized in RF parts, devices and equipment ranging from attenuators to dummy loads to connectors or any kind.

2402 Products


7 Products

800 - 900 MHz Equipment

This page contains parts such as JCA LNA and Sinclair 4ch receiver / coupler and MaCom LNA and filt…

556 Products

Attenuators Index

A great starting page for all of our attenuators. Audio, RF Coaxial, RF Fixed, Mini Circuits, RF Va…

120 Products

Ceramic Rotary Switches Index

Rotary Switches with a ceramic dielectric are more durable in high voltage, RF applications. Surplu…

28 Products

Conductive Gasket Material

Conductive gasket material is placed in door joints and removable panel gaps to seal for RF emissio…

20 Products

Copper Clad Boards - Project Starters

Blank Copper Clad boards that are prefabbed and cut into various sizes.

207 Products

RF Mixers, Detectors, Frequency Sources & Modulators Index

A wide assortment of RF Mixers, Detectors, Frequency Sources, RF Modulators, Traveling Wave Tubes a…

210 Products

Directional Couplers Index

Directional Couplers, Coaxial, Delta, EIA Couplers, Waveguide Couplers, Narda, Andrew, Omni Spectra…

236 Products

RF Dummy Loads Index

A dummy load is a device used to simulate an actual load like an antenna, loudspeaker, or electrica…

1 Product

Eccosorb ®

Eccosorb is a narrow banded magnetically loaded resonant silicone absorber.

41 Products

RF Fingerstock

Conductive fingerstock fills the gap between moving panels on an enclosure and seals signals in whi…

5 Products

RF Frequency Doublers

Frequency Doublers increase the input frequency by two within the stated operating range. Surplus S…

33 Products

Frequency Wave Meter

Wave Meters are resonant variable waveguide chambers that detect frequencies by being tuned to that…

11 Products

Electrical Insulating Sheets

Kapton (polyimide), anti-static carbon loaded foam, mica sheets, fiberglass sheets,plastic, Lexan, …

29 Products

RF Isolators

Isolators are a radio frequency device that transmit power in only one direction.

7 Products

LNA & LNB Amplifiers

Low Noise Amplifiers LNA and LNB, in stock at Surplus Sales

18 Products

Microwave Circuit Board Laminates

Circuit Board Laminates in microwave and standard copper clad choices. Solid Copper Sheets in stock…

110 Products

RF Miscellaneous

This is the collection page for ALL RF items available from Surplus Sales that do not fit into any …

22 Products

Electrical Insulation & Sealing Tapes

Electrical insulating tapes in stock at Surplus Sales. Polyimide (7kv/layer), Polyester and fibergl…

5 Products

Mylar & PTFE Sheets & Products

Mylar®, & Teflon® sheets and shapes of insulating material.

46 Products

RF Power Dividers

Various RF Power Dividers in stock at Surplus Sales

67 Products

SMA RF Power Dividers

"SMA" Power Dividers in stock at Surplus Sales

0 Products

Return Loss Bridges

Return Loss Bridges available at Surplus Sales

33 Products

RF Amplifiers

Surplus Sales of Nebraska has collected radio frequency amplifiers made by manufacturers such as Sc…

128 Products

RF Amplifiers: AFS / AFD

AFS /AFD amplifiers are stocked in a wide variety from many different manufacturers such as Avantek…

11 Products

RF Stamped Enclosures

Surplus Sales of Nebraska stocks a small eclectic assortment of stamped copper shield covers in add…

105 Products

RF Filters: Bandpass, Hi & Lo, YIG

Surplus Sales of Nebraska has an extensive selection of Radio Frequency Filters such as Bandpass Fi…

35 Products

RF Mixers

RF Mixers in stock at Surplus Sales of Nebraska

5 Products

Satellite Transmitters & Filters

Satellite TVRO filter by Peca Inc. covers 900-1450 Mhz. Gilat WR-75 14 GHz transmitters

47 Products

RF Silver & Copper Straps

Surplus Sales has a large selection of bare copper and silver straps in addition to coated copper a…

2 Products

Thermal Conductive Tape

Thermattach T412 Thermal Conductive Tape

7 Products

Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers

TWT amplifiers in stock at Surplus Sales

313 Products

RF Waveguides Index

RF Waveguides & Transitions, Rotary Joints, Flanges, Elbows, Switches, seals.

14 Products

RF Waveguide Switches

RF Switches with Waveguide Connectors at Surplus Sales