Relay Sockets
20 Pin Offset Socket with Retainer Clips
(SOK) 37F20L
Cinch 20 pin offset socket with retainer clips. Solder eye terminals. 1-1/8" x 1-3/4" base.
$20 each
Surface Mount Socket
14 - 20 AWG / 4PDT / 5 amp / 150v / 105ºC
14 - 20 AWG / 4PDT / 5 amp / 150v / 105ºC
(SOK) 204BS
Augat RDI 204BS surface mount socket for R10 style relays (as shown but NOT included). 14 - 20 AWG. 4PDT, 5 amp, 150v, 105ºC. 2.5" x 3".
$10 each
Surface Mount Socket
14 - 20 AWG / 4PDT / 5 amp / 150v / 105ºC
14 - 20 AWG / 4PDT / 5 amp / 150v / 105ºC
(SOK) 214BS
Augat RDI 214BS surface mount socket for R10 style relays (as shown but NOT included). 14 - 20 AWG. 4PDT, 5 amp, 150v, 105ºC. 2.5" x 3".
$7.95 each - $7 (6+)
Surface Mount Socket
4PDT / 7 amp / 250v AC
4PDT / 7 amp / 250v AC
Matsushita HC socket. Surface mount. 4PDT. 7 amp, 250v AC.
Fits medium base relay like (KO) KH4703-1. Alt. P/N: AP3882K.
$5 each - $4.50 (6+), $4 (25+)
Surface Mount "Compact" Relay Socket
(SOK) RS15
Curtis surface mount "compact" relay socket. 4PDT. 2.2" x 2.25". 1.94" mounting hole center. Relay NOT included.
$8 each
Relay Socket
8 Blade
8 Blade
Panasonic relay socket for 8 blade, 2 pole double throw. 250v, 20 amp.
$12 each - $11 (3+)
Relay Socket
12 Pin
12 Pin
(SOK) 27390J
Dunco MSD Inc. relay socket. 12 pin. 2-5/8" x 2-3/16" x 3/4"H. Contact grid: 0.704" x 0.43" centers.
$15 each
Surface Mount Relay Socket
11 Blade
11 Blade
(SOK) 27E893
Potter & Brumfield surface mount relay socket. 11 blade. 300v @ 10 amps, 150v @ 15 amps. 1-1/2" x 3" x 1"H.
$7.95 each
Cinch Relay Socket
14 Pin
14 Pin
Cinch relay socket. 14 pin. 0.755" x 1.565"L. 1.27" c-c mounting holes. Pin centers: 0.700" x 0.465".
$7 each - $6 (12+)
R-10 Size Relay Socket
(SOK) ST141
Zettler Munchen R-10 size relay socket. 4PDT. PC mount. 0.744" x 1.18". U1 / A.1.
50¢ each - 42¢ (10+), 35¢ (50+)
R-10 Size Surface Relay Socket
Matsushita R10 size surface relay socket. 4PDT. 1-1/8" x 2-5/8" x 1-1/8"H. Alt. P/N: AP38829.
$10 each
AE Co. Relay Socket
24 (4 rows of 6) Contacts + 4 contacts on coil row
24 (4 rows of 6) Contacts + 4 contacts on coil row
(SOK) 41010470
AE Co. relay socket. 24 (4 rows of 6) contacts + 4 contacts on coil row. 1-1/4" x 2" x 0.615"H.
$18 each
Amphenol Relay Socket
20 Pin
20 Pin
(SOK) 59-470
Amphenol relay socket. 20 pin. 1.414" c-c mount holes.
1"D x 0.712"H.
1"D x 0.712"H.
$15 each
Relay Socket
6 Pole - 6 Rows of 3 Contacts
6 Pole - 6 Rows of 3 Contacts
(SOK) 612-0813
Relay socket. 6 pole - 6 rows of 3 contacts. 4 coil end contacts. Includes retainer clip. Eyelet terminals. 1" x 1.187". Gates P/N: 612-0813-000.
$3 each - $2.50 (10+)
PC Socket for 4 Pole
R10 Relays
R10 Relays
PC socket for 4 pole R10 relays. 4 coil contacts.
$1 each
Relay Socket
(SOK) AD22
Relay socket. DPDT. Small footprint, gold contact. Solder eye terminal. 0.926" x 0.739". Contact spacing = 0.11" x 0.21" c-c.
$2 each - $1.70 (10+)
Relay Socket
(SOK) 27390
Dunco relay socket. 12 position, large round pins. 2-21/32" x 2-3/16" x 13/16".
$35 each
Relay Socket
300v / 10 amp
300v / 10 amp
(SOK) SL711
Gould relay socket. 11 pin blade socket, surface mount. 10
amps, 300v. 3-1/8" x 1-7/16" x 7/8". Black.
$4.95 each - $4.50 (6+)
Open Frame Relay
24v DC / 5PDT
24v DC / 5PDT
(KO) 0076491105
CP Clare & Co. open frame relay. 5PDT. 3 poles - 5 amp, 2 poles - 1 amp split contact. 24 vdc. 300 ohm coil. 7100 turns. Open frame relay includes NEW dustcover with universal 8 pole Clare socket.
$21 each
20 Pin Relay Socket
(SOK) UN345360S6A
Union Switch & Signal 20 pin relay socket. Type PM. 1-1/8" diameter mounting hole. 1-9/16" mounting centers.
$18 each
Surface Mount Relay Socket
(SOK) 27E461
Potter & Brumfield surface mount relay socket for 4PDT R-10 style relays. 2-3/4" x 2-3/4".
$15 each - $14 (6+)
16 Contact Relay Socket
16 contact relay socket. 5/16" centers. 1-1/2" square recessed
area. 1-15/16" centers on mount holes.
$3 each
4PDT PC Relay Socket
(SOK) A11-20
4PDT PC relay socket. Offset pattern.
$1 each - 75¢ (10+)
Relay Sockets
[Click here for matching relays]
[Click here for matching relays]
Printed circuit socket fits 2 pole R10 style relays.
50¢ each - 35¢ (10+)
Printed circuit socket fits 4 pole relays.
85¢ each - 70¢ (10+)
Solder eye socket fits 4 pole relays and has eyelet terminals.
$4 each
Solder eye socket fits 6 pole relays and has eyelet terminals.
$4 each
Relay Sockets
(SOK) ST345/A1
Printed circuit socket fits 6 pole relays.
$1 each - 75¢ (10+)
Relay Sockets
(SOK) 27E713
DPDT PC socket mount for R10 style
relays. Gray, gold pins.
70¢ each - 50¢ (10+), 40¢ (50+), 32¢ (100+)
4PDT Bakelite
Relay Socket
Relay Socket
Magnecraft 4PDT bakelite relay socket. Special snap-in mount. 0.85" x 1.04".
50¢ each - 39¢ (25+)
14 Pin Phenolic
Relay Socket
Relay Socket
(TUA) 2Z8634-34
14 pin phenolic relay socket. 1/2" diameter outer circle. 1-1/8" c-c mounting holes. Perfect shiny tinned contacts. Individually packaged. U.S. made in 1951.
$3 each - $2.75 (6+), $2.50 (25+), $2 (100+)
11 Blade Relay Socket
(SOK) 27E043
Potter & Brumfield 11 blade relay socket for KV relays. Solder eyelet. 1-1/2" x 1-3/8" x 9/16". Fits 1-1/4" x 1-3/8" knock out.
$2.35 each - $1.99 (10+)
11 Blade Relay Socket
(SOK) 6034313248
Potter & Brumfield PC mount socket for 11 blade relays.
$2 each - $1.75 (10+), $1.50 (25+), $1.25 (100+)
14 Pin Relay Socket
(SOK) 70-161-3
Magnecraft 14 pin relay socket. 4PDT. 1-1/8" x 27/32" x 1/2" high.
$1 each
Relay Socket
Deltrol 8 pin relay socket. 2 mounting holes 0.149" inner diameter, the pins are solder lugs. Middle row missing - intended for DPDT. 13.75" sq.
$4 each